Change Gmail to look like Outlook Yahoo Mail

I am going to teach you how to change your Gmail more look like Outlook Yahoo interface, you can easily setup and feel the change just in two three steps

Follow the steps below

1] Login into your gmail

2] Now GOTO settings with a tool like icon and click "settings" and GOTO "Labs" here you will find list of different widgets

3] We are going to select a widget that will make your Gmail look like Outlook or Yahoo mail interface

4] Our widget is here "Preview Pane" just enable it and click "save changes"

5] You can find a small baloon popup in the top of it "Toggle spit pane mode", that is a tool going to make your Gmail to Outlook interface

6] Great!! its Done!!!


How to add consumer number in TNEB and pay using Debit card

I am going to teach you how to add your new EB card to TNEB (tamil nadu Electric board) website to pay your new card through on-line

Follow the steps below

1] Search for TNEB

2] Click in your Google search

3] Login in with your password

4] These two are my old cards, which i already paid

5] Now i am going to add my new connection card to my TNEB site permanently so-that i can directly pay just by login into my account

6] Here in the top menu you will find "Add Number" just click it

7] Now select your region in Tamil Nadu, my region is 09 - Chennai south

8] And now enter the consumer no in the field

9] Please conform the details given there

10] Your new card now added

11] You can also delete your card by click the close button

12] Now usual method GOTO "Payment details"

13] You will find your New bill there, now click "Pay bill"

14] You can use your Credit card or Debit card or Net banking to pay it

15] paying using Credit card will be chargeable with some percentage

16 Each credit card gate way got some percentage of charges

17] GO for debit card its FREE!!!

18] Conform the details given there and press "Conform pay"

19] Enter your bank details

20] Success!! you have paid successfully

21] Thanks for watching, Enjoy the day